Horcrux Email Backup for Mac is Automatic and Hassle-Free

Mac app ensures that email users automatically keep their data rather than unknowingly surrendering it to third party services.

Bangalore, India, June 29, 2014 - Questions about data sovereignty, data security and cloud computing may seem most appropriate for corporations and governments, but the issues are vitally important for every person who has an email account. In recognition of the tenuous ownership of email data, a new app has been launched to enable Mac OS X users to easily backup their email.

Horcrux email backup is an app that allows users to automatically backup their emails directly onto a hard drive. Most people who use email use one of the major third-party providers like Gmail, Hotmail, or Apple. The data which is stored with these providers actually belongs to the provider, not to the user. As a result, many people have been surprised to discover that they can lose access to their data without any recourse. That scenario is what motivated Suhas Sharma, founder of Horcrux email backup, to develop an app that easily solves the backup problem.

"After years of using Gmail I found my account disabled. Although I was able to restore some content using a variety of command line tools, most people do not have the knowledge or foresight to recover any of their data," said Sharma. "Horcrux solves that problem by automatically backing up your email continuously."

The Horcrux backup system is continuous and in real time, so that as soon as a new email is added it will be transferred. Horcrux is a background app that takes daily snapshots of email account state similar to Time Machine. The app allows users to browse the emails and undelete specific emails. Another innovative feature of Horcrux is the option it gives people to change email providers without losing all prior data. Horcrux will migrate all the emails to another email service, retaining all tags and hierarchies.

Horcrux version 2.2 is available on the Mac App Store for $14.99.


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Technichor is small product based company based in Bangalore, India. They create a range of software for email archival. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Suhas Sharma. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Suhas Sharma
Independent Software Developer